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Today, there are a lot of ways to make a website in a short time. Though page builders will save you from a complicated process, you still need something else to add the look of professionalism to your online project.
To create a great website, you need the reliable page builder and plugins. And Crocoblock subscription provides you with these elements.
Crocoblock is a toolkit for Elementor users that comes packed with tons of Elementor add-ons, heaps of pre-built demo sites and Elementor templates (check Crocoblock dynamic templates and popups), and a flexible multipurpose base theme called Kava Pro.
You will get the access to mega menus, theme blocks, and even a WooCommerce theme to launch an online shop. And maybe now you don’t fully understand what it takes to create a website, but Elementor’s intuitive interface will prompt you along the way.
With Crocoblock service, your idea to present your project to the whole internet community will become a reality.
You will get a set of JetPlugins to amplify the Elementor page builder – a comprehensive and powerful tool, sufficient to create projects of any complexity literally from scratch. For more information regarding Elementor be sure to check my Elementor free vs Elementor pro comparison.
Subscribing for Crocoblock service, you will receive:
- 18 powerful JetPlugins for Elementor (check JetPlugins review);
- 1000 pre-designed blocks, premade page templates;
- 47 skins on different topics;
- stylish Kava theme (available for free);
- weekly useful updates to improve your website.
In this Crocoblock review, I will give you an overview of Crocoblock + Elementor functionality. These are only the general features, but in my opinion, this is the best way to show how smoothly Crocoblock service works.
Crocoblock Review
Crocoblock tools are accessible from your client’s account in the Downloads section. Use the package for quick installation or download the plugins, skins or templates to install them separately.
And if you have already set up a bunch of WordPress websites, you may choose to install plugins one by one. If not, I would recommend using the Super Easy Installation Pack. It will help you out if you’re not totally sure which plugins are needed for your project.
And the tool, that will help you to deal with this in a few clicks is called JetThemeWizard. It comes in the Crocoblock’s package.
This is a plugin that installs Kava theme, JetPlugins, and the skin for your future website. To set up these items, you’ll need to install JetThemeWizard as a plugin. It will guide you along the installation route in several minutes.
After the installation is done, you’ll see Crocoblock on your WordPress Dashboard. Crocoblock Dashboard gives you access to:
- your license key;
- the JetPlugins and skins in your disposal;
- Kava theme that can be backuped and updated right from the dashboard;
- location relations settings;
Besides, it’s very easy to switch the skin you’re using, activate, deactivate or upgrade the plugins, refresh the theme library, using Crocoblock Dashboard functionality.
As you decide to install separately the skins or the predesigned blocks and you don’t want to use the template or any other extra JetPlugins, you can download the JetThemeCore plugin.
It will also move Crocoblock to the admin panel. And you will be able to choose the appropriate skins, pre-designed pages, blocks, headers, and footers.
How To Redesign Website With Crocoblock?
When you pick one of the Crocoblock skins, standard header and footer are added automatically. So, JetThemeCore will help you customize these designs, change their location on the page and other options.
You can pick different headers and footers for all your website pages or some of them, and create more pages.
To access the header and footer layouts, you’ll have to follow the next step in Crocoblock’s account > My Library, the Header (Footer) and press the Add New button. Or pick the existing header (footer) design and go for “Edit with Elementor” option to start designing it.
In Elementor editor, you’ll have the opportunity to add new blocks and buttons, but with JetThemeCore it will be much easier. It has a Magic Button for showing header and footer layouts, a library of pre-styled blocks and a set of stylish pages on various topics.
Just choose your favorite theme and select the Insert option to add it to the page. You can edit other Elementor templates in the same way, by changing the style parameters, types, colors, adding or removing blocks and shifting widgets to make an appropriate layout.
When you finish designing your theme, just press the Save (Update) button and go to Settings > Conditions. Here you can switch the condition of the design you’ve created.
You can also set the new Single Post page layout to the whole website, any post type, to a post, or to a category or tag, etc. Using theme parts templates, header and footers are intuitively simple.
Add a Mega Menu
Sites with a mega menu look more professional and are more convenient. A mega menu helps to add and structure content in the best possible way.
For example, instead of creating a separate page, you can include the contact information and form into the mega menu and have it shown under the Contacts block in the menu.
And just like with JetThemeCore, to set up a mega menu with Elementor easily, you’ll need a JetMenu plugin that is waiting for you in the Crocoblock package.
To put it into the header designed with Elementor, you can use the Mega Menu widget, or, if you want to have a vertical mega menu, you’ll have to apply a Vertical Mega Menu widget.
You can make it in just several clicks. Put the widget into the column where you want to locate your menu, choose one of the menus, and adapt the style settings.
To create a mega menu for a particular item, you have to go Appearance > Menus tab and here place the cursor over the menu item where you will be adding a mega menu.
You’ll see the JetMenu – open it to edit the mega menu item parameters. Just switch to Mega Submenu and select the button called Edit Mega Menu Item Content to access the editor.
And now the process of posting and designing your website content will turn into the biggest pleasure and fun. You can customize its structure like create rows, columns, blocks, etc.
When all this creative process is completed, don’t forget to press the Save button.
Create Custom Post Types
Sometimes you will need to create more post types (also pages and products) than just the default ones. You might need to create a portfolio with filters, and categories. JetEngine plugin will help you do this.
Install and open this plugin, and you’ll be able to move it to the WordPress Dashboard. To create a new post type, just go to JetEngine > Post types and here insert the following information:
- post title and slug;
- The labels;
- The icon on the Dashboard;
- The hierarchy;
- Editor, Title field, Thumbnails, Revisions, etc.
You’ll also see other features there, like adding more fields for meta data, inserting repeaters, media, etc. And when everything is done, you’ll see the new post type in WordPress Dashboard. So, now you can create new similar posts.
JetEngine also allows customizing taxonomies and adding new layouts to custom post types and terms. To work with it, you’ll have to go to JetEngine > Listings, add a new listing and choose the source from which the data will be taken by the widgets.
After that, you’ll be able to create a new post template with various layouts and the collection of dynamic content widgets (Dynamic Field, Meta, Image, Repeater, etc.).
Such templates will be applied to every custom post. They will showcase the content that is specific for the particular post and use the style parameters from the template you have created with JetEngine.
Add Archive Pages
When using custom post type templates, it’s most likely that you will need to create posts or terms on the Archive page. In this case, both JetEngine and JetThemeCore plugins will be useful. You will add and customize the Archive page theme with Elementor.
If you combine them with the JetBlog plugin which offers a rich kit of widgets for dynamic content, you will upgrade your website and enable it to showcase posts or post types organized in listings and tiles.
To create a custom Archive page just go to Crocoblock > My Library > Archive and here choose Add New. Now you can activate the widgets that allow presenting and filtering dynamic content like Smart Post Tiles, Smart Post Listing or Listing Grid.
There are also Navigation Arrows and Pagination Arrows widgets that help add such elements to Archive pages. After you add, edit, delete and add them again (it always happen, so keep in mind, that this is just the natural process), you can set the parameters of the theme and set its location.
How To Edit Content With Crocoblock?
Designing a website, you might stand on the way of inspiration and feel the need to add even more content to the pages you already have or create new pages with unique content.
Crocoblock subscription service provides you with lots of plugins for this. You get JetAppointments, JetThemeCore, JetStyleManager, JetBooking, JetBlocks, JetTricks, JetReviews, JetTabs, JetMenu (see JetMenu review), JetWooBuilder, JetSmartFilters, JetPopup, JetSmartGallery, JetCompareWishlist, JetSearch, JetBlog, JetElements, and JetEngine.
1. JetElements is one of the most popular plugins for Elementor. This plugin is equipped with 30+ powerful widgets for your Elementor editor.
With JetElements, you can create all kinds of content modules, from pricing tables, animated boxes, and carousels to WooCommerce elements and advanced maps. It also provides the functionality for animating the layouts with parallax effect.
2. JetBlog – This widget will help you insert dynamic content into the pages. It includes Smart List and Smart Tiles widgets for adding dynamic content.
It means that its content will be changing automatically when new posts are published. It also provides an easy way to create query posts and includes custom fields.
3. JetTabs – Use this plugin to place the templates designed with Elementor inside the tabs and accordion blocks.
4. JetBlocks – With this plugin, you can design custom headers and footers. You can drag and drop login forms, shopping, and WooCommerce carts, search and registration forms, hamburger panels, etc. to your headers and footers.
Another great feature is that JetBlocks allows making sticky blocks, so you’ll be able to create a sticky header for any theme anytime.
5. JetTricks – This plugin adds more spectacular visual effects to the Elementor pages.
It has a large collection of visual effects to make the website’s design more eye-catching and alive with animated tooltips, parallax effects for widgets, section particles, and many other enjoyable features.
Make your content look more compact with Unfold and View More options.
6. JetReviews – It is for displaying reviews on the Elementor-built pages.
The plugin adds Review widget to the list of available widgets, and it lets you write new reviews and show them in the attractive visual form.
Crocoblock and WooCommerce
To create a WooCommerce-based online shop, you need JetWooBuilder plugin. It allows you to present the products and create WooCommerce Single Product page designs.
Add a new Single Product page theme, and after that go to WooCommerce > JetWoo Templates and here choose the product from which you want to pull content.
Go to “Create from predesigned template” or choose “Add New Template” to insert one more Single Product page layout.
When Elementor editor opens, you can easily change the design and add new sections and boxes using the vast stylization settings. All the needed widgets you can find under JetWooBuilder block.
To apply the newly created design to all the WooCommerce products present on your site, move to WooCommerce > Settings. Here find the JetWooBuilder tab and open the Single Product template condition settings.
On this page, you can manage the WooCommerce products themes, customize the ones created with JetWooBuilder or apply the default one.
JetWooBuilder has 40 widgets to create an online shop. Each widget allows applying various styles and parameters to change the design of the tiles or grid elements.
Crocoblock Review Final Words
Hope this Crocoblock review showed you all features this set of tools offers. If you decide to get Crocoblock, you have four different plans:
- $49 – 1 website
- $69 – unlimited websites
- $299 – All-Inclusive Yearly
- $499 – All-Inclusive Lifetime
This is a highly customizable set of tools, even if there isn’t a template that’s an exact fit for your project, you should still be able to create a site that matches your vision with this package.
Thanks to the decision to build the templates and tools around the Elementor page builder, everyone should be able to customize their site with the Crocoblock package.
The extra Elementor modules from the Crocoblock team make this already powerful visual page builder even better.
The Crocoblock subscription service is not just the ordinary collection of products, that help you work with Elementor and enrich it with greater functionality.
It is rather the high-grade service that includes everything for creating a professional website in one place. If Crocoblock Elementor addons are not what you are looking for, then great alternatives are Stratum Elementor Widgets, Master Addons for Elementor, and Plus Addons for Elementor.
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